Google Maps GeoIP not showing by city

Read 15317 times
Hi All,

I have installed CentovaCast v3 on 17 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit (quick install method) and I haven't been able to get Google Maps to show the listener by City, only by Country. I have downloaded the most recent GeoCityLite.dat as instructed from the KB, and even granted file permissions to centovacast:centovacast, but I still haven't had any luck. It still shows me in the middle of the country instead of the city I'm in.

I did notice that the included 'geoipregionvars.php' was corrupt, and showed up as 'data' when running the 'file' command on it, instead of showing up as 'PHP script, ASCII text'. I have attached the corrupted file to this post for analysis. This file was found in /usr/local/centovacast/system/geoip on my server.

Here is the stream page which shows the map

Thanks in advance!
Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 09:16:39 pm by Centova - Steve B.
I have downloaded the most recent GeoCityLite.dat as instructed from the KB, and even granted file permissions to centovacast:centovacast, but I still haven't had any luck. It still shows me in the middle of the country instead of the city I'm in.
Did you restart Centova Cast after doing so?  If not, that'll be the problem.
Hi Steve,

Thanks for your reply. I did restart the service by performing '/etc/init.d/centovacast restart'
Then for some reason Centova Cast can't see GeoLiteCity.dat.  Make sure you've put GeoLiteCity.dat in /usr/local/centovacast/system/geoip/, that its permissions are set to be world-readable (eg: chmod 0644 GeoLiteCity.dat) and that it's a good, clean copy from

I have downloaded a fresh copy of the GeoLiteCity.dat file from maxmind, decompressed it, set permissions, and restarted the service but still no luck.

I suspect geoipregionvars.php may be corrupt since it shows garbled text when I open it in a text editor. Could this possibly be the issue?
I have downloaded a fresh copy of the GeoLiteCity.dat file from maxmind, decompressed it, set permissions, and restarted the service but still no luck.
Ah, sorry, for v3 it should be in /usr/local/centovacast/var/lib/geoip/.

I suspect geoipregionvars.php may be corrupt since it shows garbled text when I open it in a text editor. Could this possibly be the issue?
No, it's not corrupt.
Hi Steve,

Thanks for your help. That did the trick! I'm able to see separate listener locations by city, as well as the location of the broadcast server. Thanks for helping out so quickly!

Best Regards!
Confirmed ! Working !
Hello adm1nx

Could you tell me step by step what you did to accomplish this?
Really only appear the country is very bad.

thanks for sharing!

1. Download file from:
Code: [Select] 2. Unpack file and copy it to 
Code: [Select]
Good luck ;)
Hello Headshaker

Very, very thanks !!!!!
FYI I've removed the .dat files from /usr/local/centovacast/system/geoip/ for future releases.  That was a holdover from the v2 days and if it was enough to confuse me about the correct location, then I can't really expect anyone else to do much better with it. ;)

We've also added a package to automatically install the GeoLite City database.  It can be installed using:

/usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update --add geolitecity

After installing via the command above, every time you run /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update it will automatically check for updates to the GeoLite City database to keep it up-to-date.