Error updating account settings: Error saving settings for application liquidsoa

Read 3007 times
Fresh Install. IceCast v2.
LiquidSoap is checked under Hosts > AutoDJ software.

When I try to create a new account using LiquidSoup as the AutoDJ Type, I receive the following error when hitting save.

Error updating account settings: Error saving settings for application liquidsoap: Application binary has not been configured for liquidsoap on Local server.

I found another article on this forum and ran the LiquidSoup installer. The installer errored out saying that LiquidSoup is already installed.

Any ideas?

Thx, JC
because liquidsoap not installed.

Centova Cast will release a new update shortly

Fresh Install. IceCast v2.
LiquidSoap is checked under Hosts > AutoDJ software.

When I try to create a new account using LiquidSoup as the AutoDJ Type, I receive the following error when hitting save.

Error updating account settings: Error saving settings for application liquidsoap: Application binary has not been configured for liquidsoap on Local server.

I found another article on this forum and ran the LiquidSoup installer. The installer errored out saying that LiquidSoup is already installed.

Any ideas?

Thx, JC