License(s) not working

Read 12325 times
Is everybody having this issue?  I put in a PM as the website suggested buy no response by Centova.

[root@sc6 ~]# service centovacast restart
Stopping Centova Cast: cc-ftpd cc-web cc-appserver cc-control cc-imaged
Starting Centova Cast: cc-control
License validation failed; log:
   License certificate expired; need an update from the Centova Technologies licensing servers.

Trying to update license (this may take a minute or two) ...
License update failed at (ERR BADKEY): Invalid license key; trying next server ...
License update successful, saving updated licensing certificate ...
License certificate updated successfully
License update successful, validating updated license...
License certificate expired; need an update from the Centova Technologies licensing servers.

License update succeeded but license validation failed again; product not licensed

   Trying to update license (this may take a minute or two) ...
   License update failed at (ERR BADKEY): Invalid license key; trying next server ...
   License update successful, saving updated licensing certificate ...
   License certificate updated successfully
   License update successful, validating updated license...
   License certificate expired; need an update from the Centova Technologies licensing servers.

License update succeeded but license validation failed again; product not licensed

License update succeeded but license validation failed again; product not licensed

**** WARNING ****
License validation failed.  Daemon will reject all connections until a valid
license is installed
**** WARNING ****

cc-appserver cc-web cc-ftpd cc-imaged
[root@sc6 ~]#
yes, constantly with multiple servers every day I have been having this problem, and when I search for the problem license key I cannot even find it in my account, I have to use keys from other servers and just switch them every day or so, it's a huge pain this has been going on for weeks :(
Also the last payment I made did not even go through& ticket has not been answered so it's pointless to make any more payments they may get lost
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
SHOUTcast Widgets
Same here, account seem to be deleted.
Cannot access the client area, our centova panel licences doesn't work
No answer, opened several  sales tickets (support ticket require a login which doesn't work), no answers.

this going on for three weeks or so now.
Same problem here. We're re getting the message through the panel "Unable to access account for xxxxradio: Licensing error" event though payment was on the third of this month through Paypal automatically. I went to our client account and the system does not let me even log in. When trying to reset the password or so I get this message "Thank you. Instructions for changing your password have been E-mailed to the address you specified. Please follow these instructions to reset your password"...but never actually get an email.

Is anyone in this company reading these posts and taking notes? A prompt solution will greatly be appreciated ASAP.
same problem. my license not listed on my product. also wrong invoice due date. I dont know whats wrong with centovacast. i lost many customers.

Im worry if centovacast bankrupt

No I wouldn't worry much, the software itself has really been running great for the most part, they put a lot of work into this software it's highly unlikely they would just let it go when it brings them recurring income

They will get it sorted out - I had billing issues also they did fix my incorrect invoices just open a ticket.

 just shows how important daily backups of clients data are...
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
SHOUTcast Widgets
I tried this and still having issues ..

Do I:
 1- delete the file /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license/license.key
 2- edit the file /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license.conf and chenge
LICENSE=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  (not working)
LICENSE=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  (a working license)
 3 - service centovacast restart

I tried several of my licenses and I still get a:
**** WARNING ****
License validation failed.  Daemon will reject all connections until a valid
license is installed
**** WARNING ****
No I wouldn't worry much, the software itself has really been running great for the most part, they put a lot of work into this software it's highly unlikely they would just let it go when it brings them recurring income

They will get it sorted out - I had billing issues also they did fix my incorrect invoices just open a ticket.

 just shows how important daily backups of clients data are...

easy for you to say.
a. without account you cannot open support ticket.
b. they doesn't answer my emails for two weeks and systematically stalling for time.
Hmmm, if you don't have a account with Centova that means you don't even have a license, why would you need to open a ticket with them? There is nothing they can do for you anyway, you need to contact the company you pay for your stream or license.
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
SHOUTcast Widgets
You didn't seem to understood what i meant pal,
I am a client, i had an account and license, but since three weeks ago something went wrong.
my panel became inactive and my user to the Centova billing seem to be deleted.
i guess that the backup was of a time before i got my account.
o ok sorry didn't see that, yea that sucks then, we have several license and some seem to be fine, others are not... however I do notice changes in the clients area since yesterday I am sure they are working on it, I just guess the amount of data they had to recover and assign to each clients account is just overwhelming, they will be back soon!
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
SHOUTcast Widgets
I am seeing alot of our servers getting licensing errors.

and running:

Code: [Select]
/etc/init.d/centovacast restart

Fixes it,  however, why are we getting the licensing errors  "All" the time.   It goes from 1 server to the next server to the next server.

We get clients submitting tickets thinking we suspended their accounts, and hollering up storm at us for it. And then we explain to them what the issue actually was..  (Its not us, your account is not suspended, it has to do with Centova Casts Licensing servers).

It happens "almost" daily and just jumps from 1 server to the next.  and its usually Real late  at night / early morning  when we are sleeping, and wake up to tons of tickets about licensing errors.

Is there something going on or some issue with these licensing servers that its doing this all the time?
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
We've investigated this issue and we believe to have found the cause for it:
one of our scripts was reverted to an older version during the process of restoring our secure server, and it was affecting the timing of the regeneration of some licensing certificates.

We've updated the affected file and also added some code to our system to ensure that license certificates are still regenerated even if (for any reason) the timing were to get out of sync again.
Unfortunately i have the same problem with License error and about 24 hours i have 25 radio station server that doesn't work !!!

No one respond to my ticket or forum post !!!
I even bought a new license in the hope that it will work but nor with the new license i can't get to work.
What a hell is happening with ?????