Custom template directory seems not working

Read 4612 times
Hi Steve,
I follow the guide to customize 2 template files in templates directory.

I create a subdirectory /templates/custom and copied 2 tpl files.

I modify the tpl files but the panel still use the original file.

I try to wait more than an hour thinking was for a cash problem but nothing happen

Does it really work?
Newradio Streaming & Radio Tools
You need to turn off caching temporarily.  Add:

fastcgi_cache_bypass 1; the end of /usr/local/centovacast/etc/cc-panel.conf, then restart CC.  That's documented elsewhere on the forums as well, I believe.
Same problem here. (Centovacast 3.0.1).

I've done as you said by setting fastcgi_cache_bypass 1 (uncommenting the line) and restarting Centovacast (/etc/init.d/centovacast restart).

I'm trying to specifically edit /usr/local/centovacast/web/theme/templates/custom/page.tpl.

Editing the original (non custom directory) page.tpl works fine and even updates straight away without turning the cache off.

Perhaps this is a bug ?
Perhaps this is a bug ?
You, sir, are correct.  Fixed for the next build -- thanks!