IceCast Installation

Read 13768 times
Can someone provide a tutorial on how to install IceCast software, neither the K-Base, installation instructions or these forums really tell anything.

1. It's for Centos - which file should I use on
2. Where should/would the files be installed? The default in the Centova Cast is /usr/bin

Thanks for any help any1 can give!
Installing IceCast is regrettably not nearly as easy as installing ShoutCast, and I'm afraid I dont have a tutorial handy for you, but here are some tips.

First, if you don't mind an outdated version, you can grab a precompiled RPM from:

It might have some dependencies but I believe they're at the above URL as well.

If you want the latest/most secure version, you basically have to install it from source.  On Red Hat-based Linuxes like CentOS the easiest way to do that is via the SRPM from, but before you do that, you have to track down and install all of its dependencies (libogg, libvorbis, etc...) for which you'd have to check the IceCast docs and/or source tarball.

Once you've got all the prereqs installed it's just a matter of "rpmbuild --rebuild icecast-x.x.x.src.rpm" and that'll build an RPM you can install with "rpm -Uvh icecast-x.x.x.rpm".

I should also mention for those of you who use Debian Linux, that it's much, much easier on Debian... just "apt-get install icecast2" and bam,  it's installed in /usr/bin/icecast2. :)