broadcasters restart all the time and I get several emails saying restarted.

Read 37338 times
Hello Steve, or someone who has gone through this.
Already installed Centovacast v3 with v2 Shoutcast more than ten times in my server CentOS 5.8 and still this problem always happens.

My broadcasters always restart automatically and get these emails:


This message is to inform you That your streaming server went down in the past few minutes, but Has Been restarted successfully.

This message is for informational purposes only, and no action is required on your part.


Streaming Centovacast RESERVE - Well Technology Server Monitor

I've read some posts that said that Steve could be two files sc_trans plumb the server, but it did not teach how to find and delete this file.

Please tell me step by step what I have to do to solve this problem.

I have another server CentOS 5.8 with the Centovacast V3 installed with Shoutcast V1 and works perfect.
Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 09:52:52 am by gutoeterno
Look, I performed what Steve said in this post:

I ran it on my server shoutcast v2 witch centovacast v3:

"" You'd need to run 'ps aux' and find the PID of the sctrans2 process, then run 'kill -9 <pid>' replacing <pid> with the actual PID number. ""

I found these in my server PID:
ccuser   20590  2.2  0.7 191620  8112 ?        Sl   15:34   2:00 /usr/local/centovacast/sctrans2/sc_trans ../sertanejogeral/etc/sourc

ccuser   22944 19.8  0.7 191040  7804 ?        Sl   17:03   0:02 /usr/local/centovacast/sctrans2/sc_trans ../lovenight/etc/source.con

So I ran the command to kill the process after the two webradios rebooted, but still keeps rebooting.

What to do?

You'll need to check your sc_trans logs to find out why it's exiting.  The post you quoted contains instructions for when your autoDJ is running but showing as offline -- it's unrelated to what you described here.
Hello, but tell me how to check these logs. I do not know how to do that. Please help me Steve.
I went into this folder and it is empty, what to do?


you've been told what to do by looking in the sc_trans logs which is typically a file called sc_trans.log on the machine (i don't know where it's located in a Centova setup but you should be able to search for that filename on the host being used).

and you're likely not getting a reply due to people being away on holiday (considering the time of the year).

My dear, I said that this file does not exist, have already searched the entire server.
So do not give me this bullshit.

If you do not want to help, please do not disturb.

Talking seriously.
i did want to help but i'll do as you wish as it's not like you needed the current developer of sc_trans (me) to try to help out with your issue anyway (once you'd worked out where Centova is placing the log file).
Last Edit: December 27, 2012, 08:35:33 am by DrO
And you call what you said before help?
The concept here of this forum is to share knowledge because everyone here in the community we are testing (and paying monthly) by a beta that still has many problems and the idea of this forum is that the community help each other and not criticism about who will respond or claim to be year-end, seriously.
whilst i find the OP language and attitude abhorrent, i CAN understand their frustration.

we have djs that go live every night and as soon as they disconnect and the autoDJ is engaged i start getting the same email every ten minutes telling me that the server has restarted.

ive searched the server for sc_trans.log and it just does not exist, therefore I am at a loss (like the OP) as to where to start looking for diagnostics.

i can kill the processes running which are causing the issue, restart the server and this resolves it until another DJ logs in, does their show and logs out again.

but not being able to find the log file anywhere on the server doesnt help in the slightest.
is exactly what I'm saying, this file does not exist on the server sc_trans.log.
really do not know what Steve meant by it, the worse it takes days or even weeks to help us, I know he must be a busy guy extrimamente, but I believe the Contove should have a little more respect for us , we pay them monthly for the program, and even if we pay a beta tested at 2 years, I think they should have more people to help us with the problems of this new version.

really do not know what to do, the license free version will expire and I will have to buy the license to try this new version continues to be using today and can not figure out for what reason the Shoutcast V2 restarts all the time without stopping.
Hi ive had this problem before and this is what i did.

login to ssh and run ps aux
find the pid for the sctrans and kill that proces, then reboot youre server.

Hello streampakket

Please be more specific, I did this procedure but to no avail.
Not that you found this sctrans said.

Help me please with details.