cc-control deamon multiplied

Read 3399 times
Hi Steve,
I see after 1 or 2 days from a centovacast restart there are many cc-control demon working on the server.

After restart situation is:

root@nr1:~# ps ax | grep cc-control                                                                             
14022 ?        Ss     0:00 cc-control [rpc]

and I think is normal.

After 24/48 hours is:

root@nr1:~# ps ax | grep cc-control
14022 ?        Ss     0:00 cc-control [rpc]
21345 ?        Rs   234:41 cc-control [rpc]
28329 ?        Rs   528:44 cc-control [rpc]

Last week there were 8 deamons duplicated like this and the server started to be very weighted due a intensive work of the CPU. The only way is to restart centova Cast to set working only one process.

I have about 10 accounts normally working on the panel with dnas2 and sctrans2.

Can you reproduce this issue?
Newradio Streaming & Radio Tools
cc-control is a forking daemon -- it starts a new process for each connection.  So it's perfectly normal to see multiple cc-control processes.

If those processes are consuming a lot of CPU time for a long period of time, though, it's likely that something has gone wrong and that would be a bug.  Have you noticed any particular actions within Centova Cast that trigger a cc-control process to start eating CPU time?