Can't Delete Account? API class validation...

Read 4623 times
Hello, Im trying to delete an account, getting error:
Processing account .....
The session API requires a valid class name and method.

Wont let me delete account.  Any help?
Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 10:41:05 am by aqfjr
Update your install by running /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update that should fix the issue.

i have same problem:
The session API requires a valid class name and method
Thanks for the responses!  But, i actually found out the problem: Internet Explorer...  Google Chrome is MUCH Faster and smoother when uploading, deleting etc.  Maybe its just on my end, but when I use Chrome, NOTHING hangs, or any errors!  Maybe this may help anyone having problems.  Thanks
Note to all, this has been fixed in the latest build.  Internet Explorer apparently has some odd issues with certain jQuery features... features which, of course, we ended up using. :)