v3 status Next Song bug

Read 6040 times
Next Song:   nextsong 80s 14fa19b9ada0a30561ffb33c5d7421ce sctrans2next
I have the newest CC3 build, just installed today January 13, 2013

how is this Next Song: featured fixed, or how to remove it from the Status page?
It's ugly and clients think that I, as the hosting provider, have to fix this bug
That's neither a bug nor is it a part of Centova Cast.  That's from sc_trans v2 and that's how sc_trans v2 works for the time being for script-based playlists.  I believe I discussed this with DrO awhile back and seem to recall he said this will be changed in a future release as time permits at AOL/Nullsoft.
is there any hack right now to hide it?
nope. sc_trans will just send what it gets back as the items from the playlist be that actual files or as it incorrectly does at the moment, the playlist script if that is all there is once it's looked at the script playlist result and then it reverts to looking at the actual playlist. i part patched it internally but there's still some issues with the behaviour of the feature which means the responses from script playlists aren't being handled properly.

Excuse me, do you guys know if any progress was made by AOL/Nullsoft concerning this? It's been a while since this inconvenience was reported..