Problems setting up autodjcontrol script

Read 17307 times
Hi there,

I am having troubles installing the autodjcontrol.php script.

Three things I don't understand:

1. Where exactly on my server does the script have to be installed?

I put it to /home/centovacast/system/autodjcontrol/ . Is that correct?

2. Do I have to fill in $centovacast_url for this path within the script?

3. After all: what would be the URL now to run the script?


Thanks for your help,
I forgot a fourth thing:

There are two different versions of the script class_HTTPRetriever.php . Which one is needed? The older one from the archive or the newer one already on the server? I assume it's the latter one?

this script you must put it in the map /var/www/html. After that the url wil be http://your-ipaddress/autodjcontrol.php

Hello Hans,

In my case the exact path was: /var/www/vhosts/ (Debian 64bit system with Apache!?), which is working fine now!

For the record: I stayed with the newer script class_HTTPRetriever.php already found on the server (dating from June 2009) and had the domain-name added to $centovacast_url within the autodjcontrol.php script (haven't tried without this yet).


Thanks a lot for your immediate support,

today we found out that the autodj doesn't get disconnected correctly with the script: the script itself says "AutoDJ status offline", but the source status for the stream is still "remote and connected" and autodj keeps playing!

Any ideas about that?

Within the script the variable is defined like this as far as I know: ('AUTODJ_FAILSAFE',true);.



I recently used this script but do not yet functioning
lower teeth every time I get error message while I am sure that all is well

what can go wrong

Request failed: Wrong username or password

The Hosting 4 you

Voor een betaalbare streaming en goede support tevens kunnen wij uw voor radio stations een app maken voor android en ios,
Hi there,

any further ideas on my problem?


Within the script the variable is defined like this as far as I know: ('AUTODJ_FAILSAFE',true);.

This is explained in another thread but in brief there is a bug with the above option which causes the problem you described... please contact the helpdesk for a patch.