Is it safe to uninstall V2?

Read 4587 times
It seems that I read somewhere that the migration of V2 to V3 would link to something in the old version instead of copying it to save space; but I can't find it.
So, is it safe to remove V2?
If so, is the process simply removing /home/centovacast and the mysql database?
Hey Mark,

It is safe to remove them after you verify that the import was successful..... I have removed them and it is all good on all 12 of my servers...

From Centovacast support:

1. Edit /etc/crontab and remove any cron jobs containing the word "centovacast".
2. Delete the /home/centovacast/ directory.
3. Remove the "centovacast" user account (i.e., "userdel centovacast").
4. Delete the Centova Cast MySQL database.
5. Delete the Centova Cast files from your web root.
6. If FTP integration was configured automatically by the installer, you can remove it as follows:
a. For ProFTPd, edit /etc/proftpd.conf (or /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf, depending on your Linux distribution) and remove any lines containing the word "centovacast".
b. For Pure-FTPd on CPanel servers, edit /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd, search for "centovacast-pureauth" and replace it with "pureauth".
9. If FTP integration was configured manually by yourself, you can remove it by reversing the steps you followed in the installation guide.
Thanks guys, that was just what I was looking for.
Unfortunately the above has at least one problem, DO NOT REMOVE the centovacast user.

Trying to login to the control panel it gave:
502 Bad Gateway

gave user doesn't exist. So:

adduser centovacast
/etc/init.d/centovacast restart

Then I was able to log in, but got a cron error, so:
/usr/local/centovacast/bin/ccmanage cronjob all --debug

So far so good
Sorry to bump an old thread but this is still not fixed yet.

Centovacast v3 is using the useraccount ccuser as well as centovacast, that should not be the case.
Several permissions are made to root:centovacast or ccuser:centovacast or anything with user or group centovacast.
So you cannot remove user centovacast until this is fixed.

There are also problems with rights on logrotate, logfiles will be change to root owner instead of centovacast. Fixperm will fix this, but only until the next logrotate.
So there are still several errors around, especially owner/user stuff which is not correct yet.