SQL errors after update from 3.0.0b1 to 3.0.0b2

Read 3554 times
Hi all,

last week i ran the update command to see if there'd be a new version or some bug fixes out. And as it happens, the system was upgraded from b1 to b2...
But since then i get SQL/database errors of missing columns, resp tables. So for me it looks like the system files were updated, but not the database.
I added some of the missing columns (like mountlimit, request probability, aso) by hand, to be able to create new servers, but there are still some tables missing (like logins, login_bans aso...)

is there a way to update the database manually, or some kind of change-log form b1 to b2 so that i can manually update the database with the missing parts?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 04:38:34 pm by toming
We're constantly pushing out new builds of the beta in anticipation of the beta relaunch... so you probably got a bad intermediate build.  You can try knocking back the currentversion and/or buildnumber (? iirc) fields in the settings table to a prior release, then upgrade again and that may do the trick.