symlink to remote server

Read 15875 times
Is is possible to have centovacast use songs/files that are stored on a REMOTE server?

I have created a symlink inside the /media dorectory pointing to a remote server which has 1000's tracks on it yet centovacast only sees the shared directory and not the symlinked directory?

is what i am trying to do even possible?


Paul from KL Web Consultants KL Web Consultant
im pretty sure i done it correctly.

This is what ive done on the LOCAL machine:

Created a directory inside /home/centovacast/vhosts/en5radio/var/spool/media/shared/

and called it remote so:


Now, centovacast does NOT see this directory unless media is added to it.

on the REMOTE machine I have created a directory /home/music and have given "en5radio" ownership

i have ran the command:

sshfs root@<remoteserverip>:/home/music /home/centovacast/vhosts/en5radio/var/spool/media/shared/remote

it asks for login, i login...

and it seems to mount: (see attachment, shows remote link is working)

but centovacast does not see it: (See attachment centovacast folder browse). This was after a full media library update.

im sure all permissions are ok: remote server

drwxr-xr-x  1 en5radio en5radio     4096 Oct 10  2011 ./
drwxr-xr-x 17 en5radio en5radio    12288 Oct 10 09:52 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 en5radio en5radio  3702435 Oct 10  2011 01.\ Prince\ -\ When\ Doves\ Cry.mp3
-rw-r--r--  1 en5radio en5radio 18778823 Oct 10 09:49

Any ideas?


**added** Im using Centos
oh, well seams your doing that bit fine.... really not sure then... noticed some config settings in one of the centova's config.php files about following sym links but they were turned on by default...

i would email support... and update the thread when you figure out what was up so others can use the forum search :)

sorry i cant be more help
Paul from KL Web Consultants KL Web Consultant
oh, well seams your doing that bit fine.... really not sure then... noticed some config settings in one of the centova's config.php files about following sym links but they were turned on by default...

i would email support... and update the thread when you figure out what was up so others can use the forum search :)

sorry i cant be more help

No worries...

Managed to sort it in the end... and to be honest I dont even know how.

But right now im listening to tracks in a playlist which is playing off both local and remote servers..

im happy lol
