Streaming details problem

Read 13466 times
After 1 hour of listening to a stream, the streaming details (such as current song) that appear to my webpage, stop refreshing! What is the cause of that? Did anyone had the same issue? Is there a way to fix that? I use the code snippet of the CentovaCast panel to achieve the refresh...
There is no fix because it's not a bug. :)  If you don't refresh the page for an hour the AJAX code stops refreshing the song title so that users who leave the browser open and walk away don't waste bandwidth.

If it's a problem for you, edit the system/streaminfo.js file under your web root and find the line that says:
Code: [Select]
if (window.ccsic++<60) setTimeout('refresh_cc_stream_info()',60000);

The ++<60 part refers to the number of minutes it'll keep refreshing.  Change 60 to however many minutes you want.

Thanks for the reply!
How can I modify this file? Should I save the straminfo.js, modify it my way and then upload it to my webroot than use it from the root of the code snippet? With this way can I reduce the refresh rate of the stream info or this would cause bw problems?
If you have FTP access to the file then yes, download it via FTP, edit it, and re-upload it.  Usually it's faster to just SSH into the server and edit it with vim or nano though.

You can reduce the refresh rate by increasing the 60000 in the line I quoted earlier.  You can't increase the rate though -- Centova Cast only polls the server once per minute so having the javascript refresh more frequently than that won't yield any benefit.

In v3.0 you'll be able to change the poll frequency (although we don't really recommend this to avoid hammering the server).