Why is it so hard to install

Read 6716 times
Seriously all the years I've worked with servers this by far tops the level of most hard installs ever considers me retard at the moment but I've never managed to get this installed.. I've tried over a dozen times. I swear it's just way to make you pay for the install

http://prntscr.com/lj7w8 I was about to install boom issue right off that bat it never ever works like charm like in the instructions. I've done ioncube loaders and manage to get them working

I'm sorry I'm just pissed off trying to install this

Cancelled... I'm done with this
i feel your pain
Just a reminder that this is not an official support venue, so if you'd like a prompt response to an inquiry (rather than hoping a community remember responds) it's better to open a support ticket.  And in this case, our staff could have rather easily assisted with this issue.

With that said:

Seriously all the years I've worked with servers this by far tops the level of most hard installs ever
Perhaps the other jobs you've worked on required less typing? ;)

considers me retard at the moment but I've never managed to get this installed.. I've tried over a dozen times.
You must have a sticky key on your keyboard if you made the same typo 12 times. :)

I swear it's just way to make you pay for the install
Indeed, if we could harness some otherworldly ability to make users mistype commands, I'm sure we could make a killing on installation fees and we could all retire early. :D

http://prntscr.com/lj7w8 I was about to install boom issue right off that bat it never ever works like charm like in the instructions. I've done ioncube loaders and manage to get them working
The error message clearly shows that you've configured PHP to look for an ionCube loader named /tmp/centovacast-2.2.6/ioncubeioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so.

What you probably meant was /tmp/centovacast-2.2.6/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so.  Note the slash you missed between "ioncube" and "ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so".  Typing this path correctly would have resolved the error in the screenshot you provided and allowed the installation to proceed.

i feel your pain
Yes indeed, brother.  Typos are a plague that affect us all.