Some issues with AutoDJ/Streaming in Second Life

Read 4335 times

I have recently installed Centova Cast v3.0.6 on my Ubuntu server.

It's all working fine except for one thing.

Here's my situation:

AutoDJ is working perfect when listening in Winamp, Windows Media Player, etc..

It's NOT working when I play it off in Second Life.

When I turn off the AutoDJ, and stream the songs myself, it works in Second Life.

So, what I need to know, is WHAT am I doing WRONG?

I've tried a fresh install of Ubuntu and Centova Cast v3.0.6 but still the same thing.

I have bought a license for 25 streams.

I hope there are someone out there who can help me with this situation.

Let me know if there's any config files you need to see or other information I need to provide.

More info is needed what kind of stream v1 or v2 ? your AutoDJ may not be encoding in mp3 not sure if second life supports AAC. If you want me to help you test more you can contact me on here or inworld Duck Seoung
Let me see if I can assist...Second Life does not support AAC+... Also the only way for the stream to work on Second Life  is  to use Mp3...Secondly... You need the unlock key for the AutoDj.  8)