Icecast KH

Read 7756 times
Over a year ago, I believe, there was mention that Icecast KH might be supported by Centova. Is it now supported (and I missed the memo) or is it still a possibility that it will be supported?

If it is supported, can someone tell me how to add it (without losing my current Icecast functionality).

If it is not supported yet, is there an approximate ETA? More and more I'm having customers asking for it rather than the regular Icecast.

Hello kahfluie,

I'm afraid that Icecast-KH remains unsupported at this time, and while it is on our development road-map to add support, we don't have an ETA yet.

You could switch your regular Icecast binaries for the KH version and your client's probably won't even notice, however, as it remains officially unsupported you'll have to do that at your own risk.

Many of our clients are successfully using IceCast-kh with Centova Cast.  What specifically do you need supported?

The only reports of incompatibilities were from a (comparatively very small) set of users who experienced some odd behavior a very long time ago and reported it on the IceCast forums.  Karl responded and indicated that Centova Cast was doing various weird things such as trying to parse output from IceCast's stdout and things of that nature, and indicated that that was the reason for the problem.

The problem is that Centova Cast does not, nor has it ever read IceCast's stdout, nor did any of Karl's other hypotheses match up with Centova Cast's actual usage of IceCast.  I got in touch and mentioned this, but received no reply.  This incorrect information still remains on the IceCast forums (and, I believe, in a FAQ or sticky post I saw there awhile back, although admittedly I haven't been back in awhile.)

Further complicating matters, I myself have been unable to reproduce any problems whatsoever when testing IceCast-kh with Centova Cast, nor have hundreds of our clients who are using it in production.

So in a nutshell... if anyone is experiencing compatibility problems between Centova Cast and IceCast-kh and can provide root access to an affected server, please open a ticket with our helpdesk and we'll get on it.  Failing that, I have no reason to believe that IceCast-kh will work any differently with Centova Cast than IceCast-trunk.
The main reason that this is needed is because cannot get it's statistics from a normal Icecast station.  They can only read from KH stations.

This is a sore point, and I've gotten myself in trouble by posting on another forum about this.  They won't change this requirement.
Installing icecast-kh is pretty simple.  And works quite well with centova cast.  Its just its unsupported currently by Centova.  Just stating is all.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
 .... if anyone need the commands to install Icecast KH and activate it in Centova, however your current Icecast clients will need to reinstall after if they want KH

cd /usr/src && wget && tar -zxf icecast-2.3.3-kh8.tar.gz && cd icecast-kh-icecast-2.3.3-kh8 && ./configure;make CFLAGS="-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600" && make install && /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/enable_package ICECAST /usr/local/bin/icecast
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
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I followed this.

How To install icecast KH10 on CentOS

This tutorial explains how to install icecast kh10 server on centos 6 server

# cd /usr/src
# wget
# tar -zxf icecast-2.3.3-kh10.tar.gz
# cd icecast-kh-icecast-2.3.3-kh10
# ./configure;make CFLAGS=”-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600″
# make install

if this is centovacast server you many need to run this to register new package

# /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/enable_package ICECAST /usr/local/bin/icecast

now you are done :)
i know this is a bit old now, however i have been Using KH for well over 2 years now, with absolutely no issues at all.

just added it as a manual location and all was fine.