Chrome - Unable to create new accounts

Read 14277 times

I am running Chrome - 21.0.1180.89 m

But also some plugins

But dont think these are causing the issue

Basically when I click Create New Account
It loads the dialog box overlay
I select the options
Click Create and it does not create the account

Feature however works as expected in IE9

I had this same issue .. Disabled lastpass and it fixed the issue ..
This is confirmed on Windows 7/FF 16.01.  Disabling LastPass fixes it.  Maybe someone smarter than I can track down exactly what LastPass is doing.  Quite possible that it is a LastPass issue not Centova.
Indeed, any interference between a browser extension and a web site/web app is definitely the result of the extension doing something it shouldn't be doing.  That said, if anyone tracks down what it's doing and can find a non-invasive solution, I'd consider implementing it in Centova Cast.
This issue continues in 3.01/latest LastPass.  Can someone provide any information on how to test to determine if it is a Centova issue or a LastPass issue?
Disable last past plugin ..
It is some code inflicting with each .. I guess you would have to have knowledge of the language that last pass uses..
Basically my rationale is that Centova Cast works fine in all browsers without this extension installed.  The LastPass extension modifies the HTML/JavaScript code (via DOM manipulation) generated by Centova Cast to inject its functionality into the page, and in doing so, it's breaking Centova Cast's HTML/JavaScript.  Therefore, I consider it to be fairly clearly an issue with the LastPass extension... no extension should ever break a web page if it's designed correctly.

Does this extension have an option to blacklist certain domains (eg: to exclude it from use on certain sites)?  If so, I'd recommend using that.  If not, we may have to find an alternate solution, although I'm not terribly keen on diverting development resources into workarounds for problems that arguably aren't ours in the first place.
I don't believe you can blacklist certain domains from the LastPass browser extension.

I opened a ticket with LastPass to have them investigate. They seem keen on fixing the issue, but mentioned that they would require a demo install to do so. They claim they requested this of you (Steve). Exact wording:

"2013-05-21 10:29
Bob   Sorry for the delay in response -- I have sent Steve a note and will fix it if he can get me a demo site/login."

I've just sent them to the new demo site with steps to reproduce:

Hopefully that will help!

Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 07:51:26 am by websavers
Good stuff man hope this gets fixed soon
I got the same issue on a Mac with Safari & Chrome. I was able to add accounts with Firefox only.
I dont have installed any extensions in my browser.
I too would love this issue to be fixed.

Lastpass is a great tool for secure password management. Disabling it every time i need to use centovacast is a pain.

I have to agree with Steve though that it is lastpass's fault not centovacasts.
Just a (belated) update that the kind folks at LastPass got in touch with us (thanks to you all harassing them ;) ) and we were able to work out the issue.  It was indeed a matter of LastPass interfering with the Centova Cast JavaScript code, but apparently due to some browser bugs they couldn't avoid this, so we made a simple change on our end to avoid the problem.

This workaround was pushed out several builds ago so if you're still experiencing this problem, ask your host to update.
Just a (belated) update that the kind folks at LastPass got in touch with us (thanks to you all harassing them ;) ) and we were able to work out the issue.  It was indeed a matter of LastPass interfering with the Centova Cast JavaScript code, but apparently due to some browser bugs they couldn't avoid this, so we made a simple change on our end to avoid the problem.

This workaround was pushed out several builds ago so if you're still experiencing this problem, ask your host to update.

Nice one Steve! Much appreciated. Top Work!