Most recent update (3.2.5)

Read 7324 times
Since updating (last night), we have been getting several tickets today about streams being shut off due to max bitrate exceeded, however, in checking autoDJ files uploaded, none are over the clients max bitrates.  So not sure why this is happening?  Is anyone else having this issue?
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Hello DJFire_CFR

Do you happen to notice if the affected stations are Shoutcast or Icecast?
Since updating (last night), we have been getting several tickets today about streams being shut off due to max bitrate exceeded
Did you check what bit rate they're actually streaming at?

however, in checking autoDJ files uploaded, none are over the clients max bitrates
That won't have anything to do with the issue you're experiencing.  The issue you're describing happens when the client is broadcasting above his bit rate limit, not when he has media with a greater bit rate than his stream limit. 

Please open a ticket with the helpdesk and we'll be glad to help. We did just make some changes to how IceCast's broadcast bit rate is determined in v3.2.5, so it could be that either Centova Cast is only just now detecting a violation that it was overlooking before, or it could be that there's a bug we overlooked.
Okay, I'll open a ticket.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
They did push out an update to fix the issue with the bitrate (It was only happening to Icecast streams).  We also had the issue with the Listener numbers (we had a couple clients contact us about the listener number amounts).  But we havent heard anything back from those clients since we ran the "patch" for the update.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.

We have an Icecast server (our host provider is, and recently we started to have problems of the server getting shut down and getting bitrate exceeded e-mails saying we are streaming at 448kbps when our limit is 320kbps.

Thing is that we aren't exceeding this bitrate since we broadcast with mp3 encoder on Sam Broadcaster. What I noticed is that those 448kbps is the sum of the autodj's 128kbps bitrate setting, plus the 320kbps of a live broadcast by one of our DJs.

This never happened before. Not even on our old provider where we had also an Icecast server and a bitrate limit of 128kbps. We could broadcast at 128kbps and the autodj also at 128kbps and we never got server shutdowns.

I don't think it is normal that the autodj and live broadcast bitrates are getting combined. Is this a bug?

I decided to ask on this thread since the exceeded bitrate got mentioned here.
