So it seems getting support around here is proving difficult!

Read 8564 times
I have emailed support, no response. Apparantly i cant even post in the technical discussion area and it doesnt look like anybody gets a reply on here, whats going on?

Ive paid for a licence for software that simply wont install and i cant even get any help with it?

Well anyway heres my issue. Everything installed via SSH without a problem then i come to the web installation part and a blank screen is all i seem to get. Now before someone tells me to visit the knowledgebase i have.

Everything required is installed, hell ive even tried different OS`s, different webserver configs, everything!
Theres  no errors in my apache log and when PHP errors are turned on i just get

Notice: Undefined index: lightweight in /var/www/html/centovacast/include.php on line 0

Notice: Undefined index: lightweight in /var/www/html/centovacast/include.php on line 0

Which from what ive read are simply caused by error displaying been set to high, my diagnostic file in centovacast also shows no issues, so im stuck. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated before i have to go back to using cast control.
Not sure why you are not getting a response, I got one today without issue.  Have you considered having them install it for you if you don't have the knowledge of how to do it?  After all, they did write the software.

The only thing I can think of that would cause an error like yours would be something with the PHP configuration
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What OS are you running - is this with cPanel/whm,  DirectAdmin?
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I have emailed support, no response.  Apparantly i cant even post in the technical discussion area and it doesnt look like anybody gets a reply on here, whats going on?
I've looked into this for you and it appears that you actually submitted a ticket to the installations department, not the support department.  Sorry if you missed it, but there is a big notice at the top of the installation ticket form that says:

Note: this form is for clients who have paid for installation service to submit their server details.
For support inquiries regarding software installation, please contact the support department.

As we had no pending installation jobs at the time, your ticket was not immediately seen.

I don't know what you mean by "i cant even post in the technical discussion area" -- any registered user is allowed to post there.

Ive paid for a licence for software that simply wont install and i cant even get any help with it?
You sure can -- you're welcome to contact the support department any time.

Notice: Undefined index: lightweight in /var/www/html/centovacast/include.php on line 0
If you're doing a self-installation, the KB is a great resource to help you out.

If you  paste the above exact error message into the KB search field, the first article that pops up is the answer to your question.

Which from what ive read are simply caused by error displaying been set to high
Correct, so it seems you already know the answer to your question, and you just need to fix your error_reporting setting as is explained in the above article.

If you re-read your reply you address all the issues your custemer had... with the exception of HIS PROBLEM!

He tells you that he TURNED ON php ERRORS because he was getting a blank page in the web install...
He tells you that he KB says it is due to high ERROR display setting!

So if he follows the advice given in the KB, the "Notice: Undefined..." will evidently dissapear...

BUT HE STILL has a BLANK PAGE... (Which is my case today while installing in a new server)

That is not helpful, nor it can be called support...

By the 1333 views this post has this might be a common issue with your software... You chose to obscure your code with ioncube... so unless you provide help there is not much that can be done but be frustrated and keep looking for help...

Your software has good potential, but it also has plenty of caveeats.

A good support practice is to defend the company... (As you do in your detailed post) but also to PROVIDE SOLUTIONS!

In the mean time i go back to google to see if i can find a SOLUTION! outside the site of the creator of the software i am trying to use... (how weird is that?)
Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 06:59:46 am by nnarvaez
Actually, this article in the knowledge base:

contradicts the one you quote... (not exactly...)

but in it you are asked to turn errors on to see what is happening... And there is only the notice for the undefined index...

The article then wash its hands saying to contact your sys admin... as php has a problem ?
Which is no fault of Centova...
Well if PHP has a problem it usually appears in the error log or you see it when you enable error reporting...

If you re-read your reply you address all the issues your custemer had... with the exception of HIS PROBLEM!
If you re-read the thread you'll note that 1) you're resurrecting a thread which is almost 2 years old, and 2) the client's issue was addressed on the helpdesk (he just opened it in the wrong department).

In the mean time i go back to google to see if i can find a SOLUTION! outside the site of the creator of the software i am trying to use... (how weird is that?)
It's quite weird indeed -- with all due respect, I would recommend contacting our helpdesk where our staff would be pleased to assist, rather than posting on our forums which are clearly advertised as not being an official support venue.
Another case of Steve washes his hands...

More useful:
If the issue was indeed solved (and as apparently many people has it) why not update the knowledge base or post the solution in a public place like the forums?

Maybe it will be easier to keep washing hands...

As per resurrection of a 2 year old post, the fact that i faced this problem today while doing a new installation should suffice as justification.

With "all due respect" what is the purpose of the forums ?

If the issue was indeed solved (and as apparently many people has it) why not update the knowledge base or post the solution in a public place like the forums?
You already found the KB article which explains the problem.  I have investigated this issue quite literally hundreds of times over the past 6 years and every single time it's been an Apache/PHP issue unrelated to Centova Cast.  Unless you are the first person ever to find a new cause for this issue, then your situation will be the same.

Again, if you need more personalized assistance than that, then our staff is there to help you.  If you brush off our helpdesk as "Steve washing his hands of this issue" then I'm afraid there's not much more I can offer you.

With "all due respect" what is the purpose of the forums ?
Community support.  If you want an official response, then -- as clearly explained in the sticky in each forum -- you are welcome to contact the helpdesk.