strange error when finishing setup on new machine

Read 7956 times
I installed CC on a new server and I'm trying to finish the installation. I have entered all the proper info such as db name, user, password and db server, and now I get this error

Error populating database: Could not execute query: BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column 'ignoremeta' can't have a default value

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? This is not my first time setting up a CC machine, but I never got this error before.
Had to enter mysql and input the following:
SET GLOBAL sql_mode='MYSQL40'
Last Edit: January 15, 2019, 09:46:18 am by trumpetradio
On Centos 8 with MySQL 8 we had to add to my.cnf:
Actually i found the issue the other day to fix it just go to  /usr/local/centovacast/system/centovacast.sql 

open centova.sql with a text editor like notepad ++
then find line that says `ignoremeta` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
change to `ignoremeta` text DEFAULT NULL,

once done try again
this fixed my issue and once the data base is setup you can go back and change back to `ignoremeta` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', or leave it it will not beak the database if left