Centos 5.5 with PHP Version 5.3.6 and MySQL 5.1.57

Read 20916 times
Hi can anyone confirm if they are using PHP Version 5.3.6 and MySQL 5.1.57 with CentovaCast V2 as I have a white blank admin control panel.

As PHP is no longer likely to be updating 5.2 meaning we all have to move over to 5.3 or as in my recent server failure/rebuild wondered if there was an issue that I am unaware of in V2 when using the above software versions and if so how to fix?

My only wish was that the V3 licence server issue would get fixed as that is what I would use even though its Beta as for what my customers use its only for forward streaming/royalties information not auto DJ or track uploads.

On my V2 diagnostics page I have the following error while all others show as OK, I have confirmed that CentovaCast is a trusted user for centovacast:x:502 503 509 within my etc/group file.

Checking ownership/identities   OK
uid=0(0), gid=0(0), owner=root
Checking virtual hostname   OK
Checking PHP version   OK
5.3.6, php.ini in /etc/php.ini (or /etc/php.d) (phpinfo)
Checking existence of MySQL client library   OK
Checking existence of GD image library   OK
Checking existence of GD PNG library   OK
Checking existence of shell execution support   OK
Verifying that safe mode is disabled   OK
Verifying that open_basedir restrictions are disabled   OK
Checking disabled functions   OK
Checking web interface configuration   OK
/var/www/vhosts/soundmediabroadcasting.com/httpdocs/cast/config.php OK
Checking system path in web interface configuration   OK
Path configured as: /home/centovacast/system/
Validating system path   OK
owner=10016(10016), group=509(509)
Checking system files configuration   OK
Checking PHP CLI binary   OK
- Found v5.3.6 (cli); php.ini in /etc/php.ini (or /etc/php.d); OK
Checking process execution method   OK
pcntl available=no
posix available=no
procopen available=no
apache version=Apache
using spawn binary=no
selected exec method=shell_exec
Checking setuid binary   OK
/home/centovacast/system/runascc/runascc (setuid bit set)
Checking daemon binary   OK
/home/centovacast/system/runascc/castd (setuid bit set)
Checking spawn binary   OK
Checking database server connection   OK
Server: 5.1.57, Localhost via UNIX socket, protocol version 10
Client: 5.1.57
Using host localhost with username Cast
Checking Centova Cast database   OK
Database: CentovaCast
Checking configured streaming server software   OK
Checking ShoutCast DNAS: /home/centovacast/shoutcast/sc_serv - OK
Checking configured streaming source software   OK
Checking ices-cc: /usr/local/ices/bin/ices - OK

Checking CLI interface   Failed
ccmanage returned no output; Centova Cast definitely will NOT operate in this state

Checking license system   OK
Testing server 0 ...
Method: HTTP POST via file_get_contents()
Connection successful and correct response received

So is anyone using the above version software on thier servers and if so how did you over come the above failure please.
Never mind think I must of had a mind melt down, SCstreaming kindly helped me out before with this but since rebuilding my server I had forgot about this patch, you can find it here should you be in the same position.


That will teach me to search the forum a little harder next time before jumping in and making a post that already had the answer and worse still it was me that ask the question then as well.  ::)
Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 01:12:28 am by Mark Carney