ices <defunct> - 100+ zombies processes

Read 20107 times
I would like to test Steve.
I would like to test Steve.
By all means, go for it.
OK folks, some interesting developments.  While testing a client's server that was affected by this issue, I grabbed a precompiled copy of ices from one of our Debian Squeeze servers, copied it to the affected server, and reconfigured Centova Cast to use it instead of the copy that had been built on the CentOS 6.3 machine.

I've been monitoring the server for about an hour now, and not a single defunct process has shown up.  (Previously, they'd pop up every few minutes.)

Given that ices binaries compiled using the script provide custom versions of all of their own non-system libraries (vorbis, shout, lame, xml, etc.) and do not depend on anything from the CentOS repos, my best guess at this point is that this is some kind of issue with the build toolchain used by CentOS 6.3.

I realize that that in itself doesn't help much for those of you experiencing this issue, but at least it's a step toward a diagnosis -- and confirmation that the problem is definitely not within the Centova Cast code base.
Steve, so ... that is, it can be concluded that there are no errors on centos?

Can you provide me 3-4 days free new Centova license to test on second VPS server with CentOS ? Please :)
So i can provide you ssh access to our host server (his stats see below).

top - 23:42:45 up 4 days, 15:43,  1 user,  load average: 0.84, 2.54, 1.88
Tasks: 323 total,   1 running, 184 sleeping,   0 stopped, 138 zombie

And.. can you fix ezstream CC3 module? (errors with creating), and i found some errors with ices 0.4 (no cc) module.

Steve, so ... that is, it can be concluded that there are no errors on centos?
I can't say that as I don't know whether it's a problem in the ices code/Makefile, or a problem in the version of gcc/glibc used by CentOS 6.3, or just some kind of bad interaction between the two.

Can you provide me 3-4 days free new Centova license to test on second VPS server with CentOS ?
You're welcome to order a trial.

And.. can you fix ezstream CC3 module? (errors with creating), and i found some errors with ices 0.4 (no cc) module.
We can fix just about any issue that's reported.  If you find bugs, please report them to the bugs/issues forum.
OK folks, some interesting developments.  While testing a client's server that was affected by this issue, I grabbed a precompiled copy of ices from one of our Debian Squeeze servers, copied it to the affected server, and reconfigured Centova Cast to use it instead of the copy that had been built on the CentOS 6.3 machine.


Could you send the precompiled copy of ices to I copy it to my affected server, and how I reconfigure Centova Cast to use it instead of the copy that had been built on the CentOS 6.3 machine?

What need to be reconfigured in Centova Cast (v2) to use a ices compiled in other server? Only replacing the ice file not works?

I am with the same issue in a server CENTOS 5.9 x86_64 xenpv - 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5xen
Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 06:35:48 pm by audiobras