Urgent Warning Upgrade Your SHOUTcast DNAS NOW!

Read 4096 times
Having received multiple emails from Radionomy overnight. Can anyone tell me why upgrading to build 724 is so important? And has anyone here upgraded and had problems with Centova Cast's application stack?

Thank you!

Hugh @ Party Vibe Radio

Thank you for using the SHOUTcast technology to broadcast your station! We’ve noticed you’re streaming through an obsolete version of the SHOUTcast D.N.A.S x64)]. Only the new D.N.A.S version supports our TargetSpot monetization program.

Don't forget to register on the SHOUTcast RMO (stats, free html5 player & mobile app,etc.) to receive your payments. Click here to learn how to upgrade to the new version and about new features.  If you're using a hosting provider, you'll need to contact them in order to upgrade. Enjoy your stream!

The SHOUTcast Team
Just from the message wording it seems like it's primarily a general push to get people onto a version that they can then push on to get them using their advert system (i.e. so they can make money from you). I don't believe there's any issues in using it with Centova but it's more whether it's going to be stable for your needs or not (it's been rather mixed on what I've been hearing of 2.5.x vs 2.4.7 when it comes to stability).

If you're not ever wanting to go that route or the use / want the other stuff that is being offered (which decent stations usually have in-place already or should have especially when it comes to the stats side of things for reporting) then I suspect the only other thing is they may start to only allow 'current' DNAS to be listed in the YP and is then whether that's actually worth it or not (as we've discussed elsewhere before :) ).
