re-index album error

Read 12053 times

trying to re-index the album within the Media Library I get the following error:

We apologize for the inconvenience, but an internal error has occurred.  Please try again later.

Details:  Fatal error: Call to a member function get_path_value() on a non-object in /usr/local/centovacast/system/albumds/class_AlbumDataSource_lastfm.php on line 69

Also, the newly uploaded files (by CentovaCast FTP) are displayed in the Media Library in a strange way - two or three times the same artist, album of song... while the file is present only once.

thank you!
Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 03:47:01 am by LifeFM
Details:  Fatal error: Call to a member function get_path_value() on a non-object in /usr/local/centovacast/system/albumds/class_AlbumDataSource_lastfm.php on line 69
I can't see any way this could happen... unless the API is returning something *very* unusual for one of your albums.

Can you run the following from the commandline and paste the last 10 lines of output?
Code: [Select]
/usr/local/centovacast/bin/ccmanage reindex USERNAME --debug=3

Replace USERNAME with the username of your account and when prompted, enter your account's password.

Also, the newly uploaded files (by CentovaCast FTP) are displayed in the Media Library in a strange way - two or three times the same artist, album of song... while the file is present only once.
Also very strange -- short of some kind of database corruption, this shouldn't be possible either as Centova Cast goes through a strict procedure of looking up the artist/album name in the database before adding a new one.  If you can reproduce this with a particular MP3 or set of MP3s, I'd be happy to try them on our end to see if we can reproduce it too.

these are the last lines of ccmanage with --debug=3

[INF] Import complete, checking for removed tracks...
[INF] Checking for tracks without album data...
[INF] Searching for album covers ...
[INF] Retrieving album information for Awakening - His Love
[DBG] Performing lookup for artist "Awakening", title "His Love", album "No Other Name", for account 2
[DBG]   Not found in cache; dispatching request to driver custom
[DBG]     Driver returned:
[DBG]   Not found in cache; dispatching request to driver lastfm
[DBG] Searching for artist "Awakening", album "No Other Name"
[DBG] Artist+album search failed with error "Received HTTP response code 400 (Bad Request) (", falling back to artist+track search
[DBG] Searching for artist "Awakening" track "His Love"

Fatal error: Call to a member function get_path_value() on a non-object in /usr/local/centovacast/system/albumds/class_AlbumDataSource_lastfm.php on line 63

I would attach the mp3 file but it is not allowed in the forum, but I attached a printscreen with one of the strange entries in the media library - notice the same artist twice and the same album twice and all for only one file. (the album cover is not the right one, I just replaced the nocover.png with this one). The tag is ID3v2 made with Kid on Unbuntu 12.10.

Maybe if I could properly run ccmanage reindex it would be fixed...
Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 03:07:03 pm by LifeFM
these are the last lines of ccmanage with --debug=3
Thanks, turns out was indeed returning an unexpected response that we weren't handling correctly.  Fixed for the next build.

I would attach the mp3 file but it is not allowed in the forum
No, but you can either PM me an URL to download it, or open a ticket with the helpdesk Attn: Steve and attach it there.