What happens when you have two schedules for the same time?

Read 5449 times

We scheduled playlist set for

8am - 10am

On xmas day we plan to broadcast JUST xmas songs so we have set a yearly scheduled playlist to run for 840 mins (14 hours) on xmas day. Now obviously for that day only it will conflict with all of these other playlists.

We have set the xmas day schedule to be NON-interuptable, but my question is on xmas day how will centovacast know which schedule to play (the regular one or the xmas special)? or will i have to disable all regular playlists on xmas eve and then reactivate them all again on dec 26th?


I would just disable your Christmas playlist till Christmas day, just enable it before you goto bed on the 24th
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
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Thats what id planned, but will the xmas day playlist take preference over the regular playlists for that day?

What gives a playlist preference?

Just disable the others when you enable your holiday playlist
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com