Reissuing license key (3.0 trial)

Read 8113 times
Am I missing this in the 3.0 docs?

Account information shows:
License issued:    No
And shows an Invalidated date and time that corresponds to my clicking "Re-issue license key"

The existing directions:
Code: [Select] this command:
Code: [Select]
/home/centovacast/system/runascc/runascc exec ccmanage reissuelicense doesn't exist on the 3.0 install.

There is a /usr/local/centovacast/system/runascc/ that is uncompiled, so no runascc.
Running make and make all compiles and creates the runascc file, but running the above command with the new path gives:
"Could not open input file: /usr/local/centovacast/system/runascc/../ccmanage.php"
Here's that file:
-rw-r-----  1 root        centovacast   9074 Jan  9 00:30 ccmanage.php

For grins and giggles I changed permissions but it gave the same results.
So, it seams my only other option is to cancel the license and create a new package.

Other suggestions?
Careful, according to Mark Randall it will invalidate your existing 2.0 install:
"You do need a valid license to be able to use the product, you can't just use it without a license and it has to be one that you have reissued.

After you have reissued it you will get a few days before your 2.2.4 stops working (Well, around 10 normally, but it depends on when it was last re-issued)"

I asked this question of Centova 'support' (though it took them a week to respond) and they said that this issue was "... clearly and explicitly answered in the release notes" (it is not).  But what I can gather from the vague reponses so far is that:
1. The beta version will co-exist with your currently installed version.
2. You should ask for a trial license so as not to invalidate your current install.
3. Centova needs to improve its overall support level.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Rich, thanks for re-iterating that warning, but I purposely installed on servers that are not running the current version of CentovaCast.

I have exactly the same problem, in my case it is a clean install. Can anyone tell me how to fix it or fixed it?

I resolve problem:

channge license in:/usr/local/centovacast/etc/license.conf
and delete /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license/license.key

Restart centova.
The existing directions:
Code: [Select]
Searching the forums for "reissue license" yields several threads where this is explained, but to save you the keystrokes:
/usr/local/centovacast/bin/ccmanage reissuelicense

Shows this command:
Code: [Select]
/home/centovacast/system/runascc/runascc exec ccmanage reissuelicense doesn't exist on the 3.0 install.
Correct, it's not meant to.

There is a /usr/local/centovacast/system/runascc/ that is uncompiled, so no runascc.
Removed for the next release.  Thanks for pointing that out.

Careful, according to Mark Randall it will invalidate your existing 2.0 install:
"You do need a valid license to be able to use the product, you can't just use it without a license and it has to be one that you have reissued.
Well, yes, if you reissue your license away from installation to another, the original installation will cease to operate shortly thereafter.  That's mostly just common sense though -- it doesn't have anything specifically to do with v3, and would work the same way if you reissued it from one v2 installation to another v2 installation.

I asked this question of Centova 'support' (though it took them a week to respond)
Indeed -- you posted a question about the beta to the helpdesk instead of the forums.  v3 beta is only supported on the forums.  You should have actually been directed to the forums, but instead the ticket was (incorrectly) forwarded to me, thus the delay.

they said that this issue was "... clearly and explicitly answered in the release notes" (it is not).
Your comments here are a bit misleading, Rick.  What you actually asked in the ticket was:

"Can we run 2 installations with 2 different keys simultaneously? This should have been more CLEARLY stated in the release notes.."

THAT question most certainly is clearly and explicitly answered in the release notes:

Can I install Centova Cast v3.0 and Centova Cast v2.x on the same server simultaneously?
Yes. Centova Cast v3.0 will not interfere with any existing Centova Cast installation on your server.