Stream crashes on mysql restart

Read 2857 times

We are running a serve with Centovacast.
This server is a Centos 7 64-bit server with php 7.2 and Mariadb 10.0.35.

As soon as I restart either mysqld or mariadb or both via SSH, the streams stop and do not come back online again unless manually started.

We did not have this issue before on Centos 6 servers with just Mysql 5.6.x.

So now I'm wondering if this is an issue caused some way by Centos 7 or the Mariadb/mysql database use or if this is a bug or incompatibility from Centovacast.

It's just not normal that streams stop when restarting mysqld/mariadb which has to be done some times.

Any clues on how we can fix this?
Nobody any clue? Nobody from support present here?
Seems a bug to me. The panel will come back online after a couple of seconds, the streams won't.