how to show the contect of the playlist

Read 3994 times

one of our clients wordks with only the auto dj en want to show all the song that people can request.
is there a solution for?
Currently AFAIK the only way to do that is to setup a php file in connection to the database. And have it list the songs from the table of that user account.   Is there some other way?  maybe.  I don't know what that is though. 

The way I did it was by setting up the php file and connected to the database..
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Hi can you explane this some more i search the database but cant find this?

The table name you want is called  "tracks"  in that table has accountid... 

So you need to find the account id number for that specific account. 

You can find that out by looking at the accounts in the database as well, finding the username and see the ID number ,that is the account ID.

Use php / mysql and setup the connection and display the songs.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.