Current Playlist

Read 3236 times
with 3.2.10 version, in widget, stream details, current playlist is void (blank): how can know what playlists my 20 radios are playing? And, my listeners do not have informations about the programs that they are listened.
Please, fix this bug, it is a big problem.
Thank you
With the latest update my general rotation playlists with an activation period began playing exclusively while other general rotation playlists were ignored. While checking on this I noticed as well that the current playlist script was returning nothing.
Same problem here! Since the latest update, the 'playlist' information is not read out via the code snippets! Strange: Both JSON and XML work correctly, all data are read out cleanly and correct!?!

Please solve this problem a.s.a.p., we use these code snippets on our page(s) as important info for our listeners!

Any idea when the problem will be solved? This is very annoying ...  :(
This has been fixed in the latest Centova Cast build.