AutoDJ Crossfade - what are the precise volume adjustments?

Read 4630 times
For any given crossfade setting, what are the precise volume adjustments made by the AutoDJ system?  I mean, for example given a crossfade setting of 2 seconds, what volume % does the ending song fade out to, and what volume % does the starting song begin at?  And do they both go linear over the full range of those 2 seconds? 

I want to be able to simulate it on my own system, so I can sometimes add silence at the start of a song, because usually I think a fade-in sounds awful, and I want to mitigate this for some (or maybe all) songs by adding silence at the start  of my mp3's, and to choose the amount of silence on a song-by-song basis at first, I would like to know the above details.  Thanks