Recent update (3.1.0)

Read 17926 times

I've got the same problem on three installations mit Centova 3.1.0.

Please help, we've many customers that are very unhappy about the situation!!!

Best regards,


Lets do a "/usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update" and the problem is gone.
Many thanks for this solution...
Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 01:20:15 pm by cityedvlinz
100 - 250 each machine... I'm using both Firefox and Chrome both latest versions.
When Centova Team will fix all bugs ?
Upon selecting All, It just completely locked up my browser and I had to End Task on my browser.
Thanks all, this is fixed and a new build is up on the download servers now.  Just run /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update to update.

When Centova Team will fix all bugs ?
This is something of a loaded question... we fix bugs as we are made aware of them, but no software is ever bug-free.

Thanks all, this is fixed and a new build is up on the download servers now.  Just run /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update to update.

Confirmed.  Updated one of the servers with the issue, this now works with no lockup.

Using Firefox browser v31.0.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Fixed :)
Do you know any more bugs to repair?

What about disableicy=0 for all configs in SHOUTcast V2.2.2 ?
forcing the disableicy=0 option is probably excessive when a newer DNAS will be coming out soon which removes the need for the need of that option being overridden from the new default value.
You are amazing Guys :)
Displaying of all accounts works fine now... All I did was /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update and it updated some files. Looks like there was a silent update of 3.1.0 :) it also fixed another issue I was having where "New template" on Templates link didn't work. - stream hosting - radio automation software