Question On DJ Management

Read 3074 times
I create a new DJ account and set the Login Restrictions to Monday 8pm to 9pm

1) If the DJ logs in to Centova at 8.55pm, is he automatically disconnected at 9pm or does his login session continue on after 9pm ?  I have tried this on a DJ account and it would seem that the DJ can stay logged in after 9pm.

2) If the DJ uses BUTT for a LIVE Show, will his BUTT session also auto-disconnect at 9pm ?

The BUTT question is the more important of the 2 as back to back to back (etc) live shows with an auto disconnect would mean that each DJ will have a clear path to logging in.

It "should" disconnect the encoder giving an error.  However, for best results you should test this by encoding using BUTT and see if the encoder stops, or if it keeps streaming.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.