Two General Issues

Read 3189 times
Hello, I've searched around a bit and was unable to find an exact answer to my problems.

I am running Shoutcast 1 with ICES-CC as the transcoder.

As soon as I added media files in to my playlist, I've been spammed with emails saying the stream was being restarted. I'm curious if this is a bug in Centova's emailing system, or the program is actually crashing this often. How would you guys suggest I go about fixing this?

Second, I'm having an issue with my DJ's connecting while the AutoDJ is running. Is there some sort of guide I can follow to set that up? I've been able to connect with SAM when AutoDJ is off with the source password, but none of the DJ account work with the Shoucast 1 encoder in SAM (with the password being DJuser:DJpass).

Thanks you guys for the help.
Hi Shugnussy,

1. You need to check logs for unusual messages, server may be restarted because of corrupted tracks. Logs should tell you everything.

2. I'm not quite sure if ices-cc will give you possibility to make fluid transition between dj and autodj.
Shoutcast 1/2 server itself definitely don't have this feature ;) SC TRANS 2 for sure is able to do this (sc_trans2  is actually deprecated right now)

I've hope that helps.
Thanks Headshaker,

I'll peek at the logs in the morning to see what's the problem.

As for the transcoder, with SC_Trans2 being deprecated and ICES-CC unable to offer both DJ and AutoDJ, what would you suggest my transcoder be? I would really like to stick with Shoutcast 1 as my server software, since it's extremely light weight. I was looking into getting SC_Trans2 to work in centova with Shoutcast 1, but it seemed impossible, I know it's possible on it's own.

So my question now, is there anyway to get SC_Trans2 working in Centova with Shoutcast 1, or find a different transcoder that allows for both DJs and AutoDJ to work.

Thank you all very much for your help.