Centova Technologies Forum
Centova Cast v3 => Bugs and issues => Topic started by: davidmb on February 18, 2025, 11:27:08 am
Hi, I noticed on our cenotova instalation a problem with shoutcast 2 logs processing.
It seems that in playbackstats_tracks table some tracks are being loged twice or more one after the other in a row.
When this happens, listeners number is incorrect, and beacuse of this listeners delta is being screwed. Also duplicated track durration is screwed.
As I was able to figure out - this starts to happen at precise moment when shoutcast stream is starting to have more than 100-109 concurent listeners.
Is there some kind of limit baked into logs processing? Or is there some setting where I could tweak this? Or any other problem?
We are on latest Centovacast version. 3.2.15.
Any help would be apriciated. :)
Thanks for your help in advance and br, David
Here is one example of souch wrong enteries in playbackstats_tracks enteries:
Sony Fodera track is listed 3 times, also IDs are not in right order and total listener numbers are off.
Is the problem in concureny of enetries in log? Or database constrains?
edit 29596010 2025-02-19 04:50:51 JAMES ARTHUR - BLINDSIDE 46 2025-02-19 04:52:40 81 -1 109 0
edit 29596011 2025-02-19 04:52:40 RITA ORA FT. FATBOY SLIM - PRAISING YOU 50 2025-02-19 04:56:51 81 4 251 0
edit 29596014 2025-02-19 04:56:49 SONNY FODERA, JAZZY, D.O.D - SOMEDAYS 6 2025-02-19 04:59:27 81 -1 158 0
edit 29596013 2025-02-19 04:56:51 SONNY FODERA, JAZZY, D.O.D - SOMEDAYS 7 2025-02-19 04:56:49 81 -30 0 0
edit 29596012 2025-02-19 04:58:27 SONNY FODERA, JAZZY, D.O.D - SOMEDAYS 37 2025-02-19 04:56:51 81 -13 0 0
If you need any more info please let me know.
Thanks and br, David
When brainstorming about this problem, additional question arised - how does Cetova even proceses logs from stream servers with more than one mountpoints? (icecast, shoutcast2)
In playbackstats_track table there is no special diferentiation between mountpoints - only account id - and this is the same id for all mountpoints on one server?
Is this not supported?
Thanks and br, David